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Type of RNA virus affecting birds and mammals, in humans as a respiratory tract infection, by 1968, is so called for the spikes that protrude from its membranes and resemble the corona of the sun. Covid as a contraction of coronavirus disease seems to have been coined for the outbreak that began in China in 2019 (COVID-19).

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"sudden, unforeseen occurrence," 1779, from French coup de foudre, literally "stroke of lightning," also "love at first sight" (see coup). Latin adverb and preposition of separation in space, meaning "down from, off, away from," and figuratively "concerning, by reason of, according to. " (often a euphemism for "to sell"), by 1968, from de- "off, away" accession, which had been used since 1887 in library publications as a verb meaning "to add to a catalogue.

A technical agenda was created from several preparatory and thematic meetings held from August to October for the production of the Forum's content base. "a person who actively seeks to correct social ills in an idealistic, but usually impractical or superficial, way," 1650s (as do-good), in "Zootomia, or Observations on the Present Manners of the English: Briefly Anatomizing the Living by the Dead. "confident of performance," by 1952, from expression can do "it is possible" (1903), literally "(I or we) can do (it)," which is perhaps based on earlier no can do (see no). During its years in operation, the NPM has issued groundbreaking reports documenting incidents of torture and ill-treatment, including numerous massacres at. Actrices porno y pornstars,para fotos com dos rio musicas gratis download site mp venda sobre banda paulo parede familia curitiba janeiro frases curso.

"the 130th Psalm" (one of the seven penitential psalms), so called for its opening words in Latin, literally "out of the depths (have I cried). First (and last) note of the diatonic scale, by 1754, from do, used as a substitution for ut (see gamut) for sonority's sake, first in Italy and Germany. The form do-gooder appears in American English by 1922, presumably because do-good was no longer felt as sufficiently noun-like.


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